Do High-Rise Apartments Have Bug Issues?

High-rise apartments have a certain unmatched appeal, especially for people working in the city. However, with convenience comes inevitable issues.

If you're looking into living in a high-rise apartment, you're probably wondering whether they have bug issues and whether this is something you can work around. Look no further as we have gathered the answers you need!

Unfortunately, bugs and pests are common issues in most high-rise buildings. This is because, essentially, the rooms share a drain line and--though indirectly--vent systems. The bugs can crawl through them, so if one room is infested, there's a chance yours may be too.

However, there are some cases when bugs do not enter a unit:

  • If the drain openings are consistently poured with bleach
  • If the unit itself is clean--and smells like it is
  • If you live on a higher floor

Bug issues are completely preventable, even in high-rise apartments. Although it can be challenging and mostly a result of trial and error, making your unit uninhabitable for pests is essential. Keep reading below to learn more about how to work around bug issues in your apartment.

Moth trap being installed in German living room, Do High-Rise Apartments Have Bug Issues?

Why Are There Bugs In Your Apartment?

Although we have the notion that bugs prefer dirt in nature, that's not particularly true. Bugs in cities love to scale even 30-feet tall buildings, and they crawl through the myriad of entryways these buildings have.

Condo units share vents and drain lines. When bugs enter through open windows, air conditioner openings, and small cracks, they can travel through drains until they find their way into your apartment. Fortunately, there are ways you can make your unit unappealing for them.

How To Avoid Bugs in High-Rise Buildings

Avoiding bugs in a high-rise building can be challenging, especially since these bugs tend to build up a level of immunity against insecticides. In this case, prevention is better than cure.

Though they may somewhat be immune, they are still animals that avoid places where they won't be able to get anything, so it's best to play into their instincts so you won't have to deal with them in the future.

Here is how you can avoid bugs in your building.

Pour Bleach On Drains

Great Value concentrated bleach big bottle, disinfection of home and bathroom, sodium hypochlorite

If there would be anything bugs veer away from, it would be the smell of bleach. Bleach contains Hypochlorite, which is a chemical that breaks through the bug's exoskeleton, which then blocks its ability to breathe.

When they detect the pungent smell, their survival instincts kick in and they try to avoid the source of the smell.

When you pour bleach down the drain lines, the bugs that are crawling nearby would skitter away and avoid crawling up to your drains. So, make sure to regularly pour bleach down the sink and shower drains.

See this liquid bleach on Amazon.

Keep The Unit Clean

Maid hands with cleaning tools. House cleaning service concept.

Unsurprisingly, bugs will avoid a clean room that smells like bleach and lemon extract. Not only will they avoid it so they won't die, but they will also avoid it because they know they won't be able to get scraps of food anywhere.

This is why it's important to throw away leftover food immediately, keep grains sealed, and wipe spills from sweet drinks.

If you happen to spill drinks that smell strongly, wipe them away with bleach or citrusy scents to discourage the bugs from going after them. Aside from this, keep the unit free of dirt and dust as well.

If Possible, Get The Unit On Higher Floors

Modern apartment architecture in south German Bavaria autumn sunshine day

Although living on a higher floor does not make you immune to bugs, it can be more difficult for them to reach your floor since they would need to travel further up. However, other flying insects could easily get into your apartment if you constantly leave the windows open.

If you live on a higher floor and religiously keep the place clean with drains bleached, you will have less risk of experiencing a bug infestation.

If you have a habit of throwing g open your windows, use a window screen to prevent other insects from flying inside.

How Do You Get Rid Of Bugs?

So the worst has happened, and you are currently experiencing an infestation. An infestation implies a bigger problem in the place itself, which means you now have to change your lifestyle and cleaning routine.

This is because bugs and pests choose an area that suits them best, and if they can get the dirt that they love in your place, they will naturally gather there.

So, what do you do now that they have, unfortunately, chosen your place? Here are steps you can take.

Get A Killing Powder

Different species of bugs get killed by different types of killing powders. The most common powder used against bugs is Diatomaceous Earth, which removes the moisture from the bug's exoskeleton, then strips it of its protective layer until the bug dies of dehydration.

Check out this Diatomaceous Earth on Amazon.

For cockroaches, Boric acid powder is the most effective insecticide you can use. Cockroaches will get trapped in the powder, then they will ingest it until it stops their nervous system, thus killing them.

Check out this boric acid powder on Amazon. 

Spread either powder under the sink, near the drains, inside the drawers, or anywhere they like to stay. You will notice some dead cockroaches around the unit after some time, so remember to sweep it all away.

Spray Insecticides

Spraying insecticides on the areas where bugs frequent is the easiest solution. However, some people think twice before spraying since it could be harmful to our lungs, and most sprays have a strong, unpleasant smell.

However, this is an effective way to kill bugs instantly, although it's only a temporary solution until you change your cleaning routine.

Make sure to practice caution when spraying insecticides. Don't let children or pets into the room before the smell dissipates, and wear a mask before using it. Leave the room immediately after spraying to avoid lung complications.

Fill Cracks With Caulk

Young man wearing overalls sealing cracks between window and trim using waterproof silicone caulk on the balcony.

Bugs normally come in from the outside through the cracks on your walls. Seal the smallest gaps with caulk so bugs won't have a chance to penetrate your space. You should also seal your windows since they can be prone to wear and tear, which eventually becomes a point of entrance for pests.

Regularly Mop And Wipe Surfaces

Regular cleaning, and even wiping, is an effective way of permanently discouraging pests from hanging out in your apartment. Sweep the floors to get rid of dirt, then mop it up with a soap solution so your home will always look, feel, and smell clean.

Should You Still Live In A High-Rise Apartment?

Although there are inevitable bug issues, living in a high-rise apartment is still advantageous if you know how to maintain your space well. You won't have to worry about a lawn, landscaping, or plant-eating animals--all you will really worry about is making your unit tidy.

The convenience of living in a building that has access to a lot of establishments, coupled with a nice view outside, makes the more stringent cleaning routine worth it.

Final Thoughts

Bugs will always be a problem regardless of where you live--It's just a matter of how you deal with it that makes the difference. Having an effective cleaning routine is key to an upgraded and more comfortable lifestyle.

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