Does An Apartment Complex Have To Provide Parking [Inc. Handicap]

Living in an apartment complex means dealing with communal spaces, including parking lots. Knowing what you're entitled to as a tenant will help prevent conflict and mismatched expectations. If you've been wondering whether apartment complexes have--or should have--accessible parking spaces that include Handicap spaces, we have researched the answer for you.

Apartment Complexes do not necessarily have to provide a parking space. In fact, apartment complexes in congested cities sometimes do not offer them at all. However, if an apartment complex does have a parking lot, they are legally required to designate a handicap area for people with disabilities.

There are a lot of factors to consider when it comes to renting, including access to shared spaces and whether they are inclusive. Understandably, you'd want to live somewhere where boundaries in shared spaces are clear. Keep reading below to learn more about parking spaces in apartments and your rights and responsibilities in using them.

Modern new residential apartment house building complex, with outdoor facilities concept. With benches. - Does An Apartment Complex Have To Provide Parking [Inc. Handicap]

Should All Apartment Complexes Have Parking?

Apartment Complexes are not legally required to provide a parking space. This could prove to be a hassle when you have a car and need to stay in an apartment complex that does not provide parking.

Suburban apartment building

Fortunately, there are ways you can still park your car safely--although it may be a bit inconvenient.

A good alternative would be to look for city-owned parking spaces. These spaces are typically timed, and your fee would depend on its per-hour rate. Flat-rated parking spaces could save you more money if you intend to park for longer hours.

A downside of city-owned parking lots is that they may not offer overnight parking or require a heftier fee. Also, even if you're willing to pay a higher fee, these spaces tend to fill up fast. They also have lax security, so it may not be ideal if you have an expensive car.

Is Street Parking A Good Alternative?

Car parking

Street parking means you'll be parking your car along the curb. However, be mindful that some spots cannot be parked in, and your car may be towed.

Sometimes, you will also need to ask for a permit. However, the hassle of asking for a permit, with the added risk of parking in an open area, is hardly ideal. It is still best to park in an area with a certain level of security.

Should All Parking Spaces Include Spaces for Handicapped People?

It is required by law that parking lots have a designated space for handicapped people. These spaces should be wide enough, about 60 inches wider, so that a wheelchair will not be inconveniently stuck between two cars.

Disability parking spaces should also be the ones nearest to the apartment complex's entrance. The ground should also be perfectly level and free of any fixtures that could be obtrusive. This would make moving easier for people with mobility issues.

Parking spaces for handicapped people should have a clear marking so no one who isn't handicapped will accidentally park in this spot.

What To Do If Someone Steals A Parking Spot

Look down empty parking spot with vegetation and shrubbery from above

Parking spots in an apartment complex are usually assigned and approved by the landlord. If someone "steals" it, don't go into attack mode immediately. There might have been a misunderstanding, or the owner of the car might be new to the building.

The goal is to correct the mistake and make sure it doesn't happen again, and not have the issue escalate. Start by leaving a polite note on your neighbor's windshield, explaining that they've taken your assigned parking. Mention that it is stipulated on your lease, and it could be stipulated in theirs as well.

If the letter goes ignored--either on purpose or the note might have been carried away accidentally--speak to them amicably. You can track the owner of the car by asking the landlord or the building admin.

If the owner of the car refuses to relent and, for some reason, insists that it is his spot, you can ask the landlord or the building admin for clarification.

Should Parking Lots Have a Security Guard?

Apartment buildings are not required to have a security guard on standby, but it would be best if you lived in an apartment with one. Having adequate security in the parking lot can give you peace of mind, as you wouldn't have to worry about someone breaking into your car.

You should be able to live in an apartment without fear, and having a security guard can take that burden off your back. It could even be argued that having a security guard on patrol would give the tenants security, which is the tenants' fundamental right while they rent in the building.

Although living in an apartment with 24/7 security cameras may offer some kind of protection, having a guard on patrol ensures a quick response in emergencies.

What If The Car Gets Damaged in the Parking Space?

If your car gets damaged in the parking lot of the apartment complex, the landlord (or business owner) won't be accountable. However, the details could be stipulated on your lease, so you could read over it to make sure.

If there's a camera around the parking lot, you could trace who was responsible for the damage and have them compensate for it. However, you could always call your insurance agent if the damage is extreme.

Is Living in Apartment Complexes With Parking Spaces More Expensive?

Top view of parking area with small garden in modern building

There are a lot of factors that contribute to how high the cost of your rent may be. Having a parking space is one such factor. Apartment complexes that have parking lots, especially larger ones, tend to be at a higher price point since there's a bigger space that needs to be maintained and/or paid for.

However, aside from the rent itself, having a parking spot also has an additional cost on top of the rent. The cost of the parking space will depend on the demand as well as the location. We will be elaborating on these factors further below.


The cost of the parking space that would be heaped on top of your rent would depend on where you live. Parking spaces in the middle of the city, such as in New York, will cost you around $500 a month. This is due to the volume of cars in the city, so it means there's more demand.

However, if you live in an apartment in the suburbs or downtown, you need to prepare around $75-$200 per month to pay for the parking spot. The further you are from the city, the cheaper the costs will be.


The more stringent the security is, the more costly the parking spot could be.

This is because you'll likely be paying for the well-trained security guards who will have a fast response in emergencies, as well as the technology surrounding the parking space to prevent intruders from breaking in.

You can compromise by choosing a parking spot with lax security, but the cost would be the risk of someone breaking into your car or damaging it. It would also be less convenient if you park a few minutes away from the apartment complex since you won't be able to save time.

Quality of the Property

Renting in an apartment complex that is very well-maintained means you'll be paying more for the quality of the apartment--including the common spaces and parking lots. Cheap parking lots tend to have faulty and dim lights, which could encourage intruders from breaking in and getting away with it.

However, a high-quality property and parking space would be well-lit and easily accessible to tenants. The grounds will be free of obstructions, and you'll always have your spot.

Final Thoughts

Some apartment complexes have a parking lot, while some don't. You need to choose a community that caters to your needs, but in case you don't have much choice, there's always an alternative--just make sure that the space is secure, accessible, inclusive, and well-maintained enough.

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